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What are thermal blankets made of?

Thermal blankets can be made from a variety of materials, typically, they are made from a heat-reflective, lightweight, plastic fabric. Blankets such as foil blankets are made from a thin plastic, named polyethylene terephthalate.

THERMARMOUR thermal blankets are comprised of four layers for maximum efficiency. The outer foil layer, the central foil layer, the inner foil layer, and the thermal fleece layer. The outer foil layer is waterproof and windproof to protect you from the elements.

How to use a thermal blanket?

All you need to do is wrap the thermal blanket around you while you wait for further assistance, or to get you to shelter. Different types of thermal blankets with provide different levels of protection.

Try to keep the blanket as close as possible to the body, as these blankets work to trap the users own body heat.


Is foil insulation any good?

Foil insulation is considered to be somewhat effective in a variety of situations, such as after a marathon. In the case of hypothermia blankets, the foil works to capture body heat, and to re-circulate it. Reducing the amount of heat lost, ideal when waiting for further assistance.

However, it is not the most effective insulator available in blanket form, and can be difficult to use in challenging weather. You can read our blog about foil blankets for more information.

How to warm a hypothermic patient?

If you are outdoors, getting to a warmer or sheltered place is a priority. Try to remove wet clothing if possible. You can also cover the patients head, this reduces further heat being lost. If possible, protect the patient from the ground.

If you are able to, cover the patient with blankets, a sleeping bag, and ideally a foil emergency blanket. You can also use your own body heat to shelter them if needed. You can provide the patient with a warm drink and sugary snack. Ensure you always remain with the patient and monitor them as you wait for help.

What do paramedics do when they arrive on scene?

When paramedics arrive at the scene of an incident, they will first quickly asses the condition of the patient and create a plan. They may also administer drugs, use equipment, provide oxygen, comfort the patient and much more. In the case of hypothermia, the focus of the paramedics is to warm the patient safely. Often using a hypothermia blanket such as the THERMARMOUR emergency blanket.

The blanket uses the patients own body heat to keep them warm. It captures their body heat, and re-circulates it. Ideal for emergency situations as the blanket is easily transportable to any environment or scenario.

How do hospitals treat hypothermia?

According to the NHS, if you have hypothermia, you will receive hospital treatment. You may be given oxygen, and your heart rate will be monitored. You may also be given warm fluids straight into a vein to help your body warm up. The treatment you receive will depend on the stage of hypothermia reached.

Mayo clinic lists the following treatment options: passive rewarming, blood rewarming, warm intravenous fluids, airway rewarming, irrigation.

What medical conditions cause hypothermia ?

Exposure to the cold is just one way a person can develop hypothermia. Though this is the most common way. Medical conditions such as thyroid conditions, diabetes, poor nutrition, trauma, injuries, and others can influence the development of hypothermia in a person.

Any health disorders and medications which affect the body’s ability to regulate temperature can be a risk factor for hypothermia.

What is normothermia?

Normothermia simply means a normal body temperature. A normal body temperature for an adult can vary between 36C and 38C, according to the National Institutes of Health. Though many sources say 37C is approximately the normal body temperature. The NHS considers a temperature of 38C or above to be a fever, and considers hypothermia to occur when the body temperature drops below 35C. When your body temperature differs from the norm, you will begin to feel symptoms, such as shivering.

How to warm up cold hands?

There are several ways to warm up your hands, wearing gloves or long sleeves are easy ways. Though these are mostly worn outdoors, they can be worn indoors if there is not an adequate heating source.

Moving around can encourage circulation, and help you warm up. If you are outdoors, the Thermarmour pouch is effective at warming the hands, due to its innovative warming fabric. Learn more about the Thermarmour pouch.

How to treat mild hypothermia at home?

Stage one, or mild hypothermia may be able to be treated at home. However, medical intervention is advisable, to ensure the safety of the patient and reduce the risk of further complications. St Johns Ambulance recommend covering the patient with blankets, and trying to warm up the room to around 25C. Give the patient a warm drink, or soup, and a sugary snack like chocolate. Continue to monitor their breathing, temperature and general condition.

How do you know if you have hypothermia?

If you develop hypothermia, early signs may include things such as; shivering, pale cold skin, slow breathing, slurred speech, tiredness and confusion. Lips may even appear blue in some people. If you know you have been exposed to prolonged cold, or are wearing wet clothes, you should always consider that you could develop hypothermia.

Can you get hypothermia indoors?

Hypothermia can occur both indoors and outdoors. Exposure to the cold for a prolonged period, no matter the scenario, can cause hypothermia. For example, older adults who have medical conditions, and a lack of appropriate heat are more likely to suffer from hypothermia indoors. A person with vulnerabilities is more at risk, a lack of a heating source or layers of warm clothing could contribute to developing hypothermia when inside.

What are the signs of hypothermia?

With mild or stage 1 hypothermia, common symptoms include shivering, exhaustion, tiredness, confusion, clumsiness, slurred speech and difficulty remembering things or communicating. A person will also be cold to the touch and may be pale. Heart rate may begin to rise and they will be excessively shivering.

In the later stages, the individual will actually begin to shiver less, become colder and more and more unresponsive. In its last stages. hypothermia may make a person appear dead, due to a lack of vital signs such as pulse and heart rate. Heart rate and breathing slows significantly.

Can you die from hypothermia?

If hypothermia is left untreated, when it reaches the last stage, it can be fatal. It can lead to failure of the heart and respiratory system. Hypothermia happens in stages, ranging from mild to severe or profound. Mild hypothermia can be aided with things such as hot drinks, blankets and removing wet clothes. Though medical intervention is always advised in any stage of hypothermia.

In comparison, the final stages of hypothermia the individual will be unresponsive, very cold to touch, rigid, not breathing and have a very faint or no pulse. They may appear dead due to not being able to detect vital signs. In this case, hypothermia can be fatal and medical intervention is much more difficult.

Can cats get hypothermia?

Despite having fur, cats can develop hypothermia. Especially if they become wet. Prolonged exposure to the cold, or falling into water are the main causes of hypothermia in our pets. But other things such as toxic shock, anaesthesia, and diseases of the brain can also cause hypothermia in cats.

Symptoms include, becoming lethargic, and their heart rate will drop. If your cat has been exposed to the cold, and/or is exhibiting unusual symptoms, seek veterinary advice as soon as possible.

Why are newborn babies at risk of hypothermia?

Newborns have a harder time regulating their own body temperature, putting them at higher risk of hypothermia. Adults are able to regulate their temperature more effectively, and are able to add and remove layers as they feel necessary. Whereas, newborns are entirely reliant on their care giver.

The International Journal of Pediatrics explains that neonates are prone to rapid heat loss, due to “the large surface area-to-body mass ratio, decreased subcutaneous fat, immature skin, high body water content, poorly developed metabolic mechanism, and altered skin blood flow.”

How to prevent hypothermia?

Preventing hypothermia is easier than treating it. You can prevent hypothermia by wearing warm, multi-layered clothing. Ensuring you are wearing a hat and gloves, as well as appropriate footwear. Finding shelter is a priority in preventing hypothermia when outdoors.

If you are a regular hiker for example, packing a hypothermia preventing blanket reduces the risk of developing hypothermia and more serious complications.

How can you treat hypothermia?

Once hypothermia has begun, medical intervention will likely be necessary. In the waiting period, you can try to carefully move the person to shelter or a warmer place, cover them with blankets, and remove wet clothing. Provide warm drinks and monitor their breathing and general demeanour.

As hypothermia reaches different stages, the person will be more confused, less able to move and communicate and their consciousness will be reduced. Medically treating hypothermia will vary depending on the stage reached.

Can dogs get hypothermia?

Hypothermia can occur in dogs. There are three stages of hypothermia in dogs, mild, moderate, and severe. Symptoms in dogs include tiredness, paleness, shivering, stiff muscles, shallow breathing and low blood pressure.

What does hypothermia mean?

Hypothermia is a condition which occurs once the body temperature drops below 35C. It happens due to prolonged exposure to the cold. Hypothermia happens in four stages, mild, moderate, severe and profound.

How long does it take to get hypothermia?

The rate at which hypothermia develops differs in each situation. In some very cold climates with extremely cold winds, hypothermia can develop quickly. If you recognise the signs of hypothermia in yourself or someone else, act as quickly as possible. Once a person reaches the first stage of hypothermia, it can progress quickly.

What is hypothermic?

Being hypothermic means your body temperature has dropped below 35C. Symptoms of hypothermia may include cold skin, shivering, slurred speech and confusion. This changes as you reach different stages of hypothermia. Medical intervention for hypothermia should be sought as soon as possible.

What are the symptoms of hypothermia?

Symptoms of hypothermia include shivering, pale cold & possible blue skin, blue lips, slurred speech, slow breathing and tiredness or confusion. Babies with hypothermia may feel cold and floppy.

How do you get hypothermia?

Hypothermia can be caused by prolonged exposure to very cold temperatures. In addition, wearing clothes that aren’t suitable for cold weather situations, staying in the cold too long, falling into water, and being unable to get out of wet clothes can all contribute to a person developing hypothermia.

How to warm up when cold?

How you can warm up when you are cold is largely dependant on your environment. If you think you are at genuine risk of hypothermia, warming up will be different to warming up when you are a little cold inside your home for example.

The NHS recommends the following if you think you or someone else has hypothermia:

  • Move the person indoors or to a sheltered area
  • Remove any wet clothing
  • Wrap them up in a blanket if possible
  • Keep their head covered
  • Provide a warm non-alcoholic drink and a sugary food item if they are awake
  • Ensure someone stays with them and keeps talking to them until further assistance arrives

What does a paramedic do?

Paramedics are healthcare professionals with a variety of responsibilities. Paramedics are mainly known for their work in Ambulance Services and emergencies. They are the first responders to medical emergencies and 999 calls. But also provide support and work in other medical facilities. Paramedics are likely to see patients with hypothermia, due to the emergency nature of their role.

When does hypothermia occur?

Hypothermia begins when the body temperature of a person drops below 35C, or 95F. It happens in four stages, ranging from mild to severe.

What temperature is hypothermia?

Hypothermia occurs when the body temperature drops below 35C, which is equal to 95F.

Read more about hypothermia in our blog article

How to treat hypothermia?

Protect the person against wind and further heat loss with the use of hypothermia blankets.

Once the person is wrapped up in a thermal blanket, move them carefully to a warm, dry shelter as soon as possible.

Begin rewarming the person with extra clothing and more thermal blankets.

In the dire situation that you have nothing else to treat the person, use your own body heat to warm the person up until emergency or medical assistance arrives.

What are the causes of hypothermia?

There are a few varied reasons for a person being diagnosed with hypothermia. These include not wearing warm clothes in cold weather, falling into cold water and living in a cold house. A casualty with an injury or someone who has had a shock is also liable to become hypothermic. A patient having a surgical operation is also at risk of becoming hypothermic during the operation.

What is hypothermia?

Hypothermia occurs when there is a drop in body temperature below 35C. Normal body temperature (also called normothermia) is around 37C, but varies per person.  Hypothermia is a medical emergency that needs to be treated in a hospital.

More information about hypothermia

Can I return something and receive an exchange?

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer exchanges unless the item is defective. You can return your item in accordance with our returns policy, and then place a new order.

Do I need to create an online account to place an order?

No, you can place an online order without creating an online account. Simply choose to checkout as a “Guest”.

However, there are many benefits in creating an online account including being able to view previous orders, re-order using Quick Order, edit your contact details and more. So you may wish to create an account while you purchase online.  Create an online account now

How do I cancel an order?

If you would like to cancel an order, please contact us.

Unfortunately, once your order has been dispatched it’s too late to cancel the order. In this situation, please refer to the Returns policy, to find out about how to arrange returning an order.

How do I find out if my order has been processed?

Once you place your order, you will receive an email from us to confirm that we’ve received your order.

Then when the order has been processed and your items are ready to be sent to you, you will receive another email from us.

If you haven’t received either of these emails in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder.

If you find an email from Thermarmour or Interweave Healthcare in the junk folder, please move it to your inbox to ensure that any future emails from us arrive in your inbox. You can also add our email address ([email protected]) to your safe senders list (or trusted senders list) depending on your email software.

If you haven’t received an order confirmation email, please contact us.

How does Thermarmour protect my personal information?

We take the matter of protecting your personal data very seriously. Please read the privacy policy to find out more.

I’ve cancelled my order, when will I receive the refund?

If you cancel an order before it’s been dispatched, we will confirm with you by email that we have been able to cancel the order in time. In that case, we will process the cancellation refund within 2 working days. Please allow up to 5 days for it to be available in your bank account.

If the order has already been dispatched, please read about how to arrange returning the items to us. Once we receive the parcel and have checked that the items are still in perfect condition, we will confirm with you by email. Then the refund will be processed within 2 weeks. Please allow up to five days for the refund to be available in your bank account.

What payment options do you offer?

You can pay for orders by credit card and debit cards, we accept Visa Debit, Visa Credit, Mastercard and American Express. You can also pay via PayPal, including the PayLater option that PayPal offer.

If you are purchasing goods on behalf of a business, you may also apply for a business 30 day credit account, simply complete the online application form and we will process your application within two working days for you. Then when you place an online order, we will invoice you and you’ll have 30 days to pay the invoice.

When will the payment be taken from my account?

If you opt to pay by credit card or debit card, the payment will be processed online straight away at the time of the order.

If you order via a business 30 day credit account, you will be invoiced at the time of the order. You will be required to pay the invoice within 30 days of the order date. You can pay for the invoice by the following methods: cheque, BACS bank transfer, credit or debit card via PayPal.

Will I be charged VAT on my orders?

Yes, by default, you will be charged VAT on all items. We have provided the facility within the website to view products either with or without VAT for your convenience, however you will be charged VAT when you pay for your order.

Do you offer any discounts for bulk purchases?

Yes we do offer bulk discounts for stocked items. Please look at the individual product pages to view the bulk discounts available, when you buy different quantities of an item online.

If you wish to buy larger quantities, please get in touch with our team who will be happy to confirm the bulk discount price for the quantity you need.

Is this website secure?

Yes, the Thermarmour website has up-to-date website security and is fully secured by using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to encrypt the data in both directions.

You can see that SSL is in use on the website by looking at the address bar at the top of the browser. There is a padlock image and the website URL begins with “https://”

Website security is vitally important. A website that has SSL security protects your data by encrypting the information you enter into the website. For example, if you are filling in a contact form, the SSL encrypts your name, address and email address. This prevents the data being leaked, because it is only transmitted between your computer and the server you are sending the contact form request to.

Can anyone buy from Thermarmour?

Sometimes, people visit our website and wonder if they can, as an individual, buy goods from the website. We do sell primarily to businesses and organisations. However, anyone can purchase goods online from Thermarmour, using a credit card, debit card or a PayPal account.

Benefits of buying from Thermarmour:

  • Purchase the same hypothermia prevention items as used by emergency teams
  • Fast UK delivery
  • Efficient order processing
  • Helpful customer service team

Start shopping!

What is the VAT number for Thermarmour?

The VAT number for the company which owns the Thermarmour brand, Interweave Textiles Ltd, is: GB 852 2732 32.

How do I place an order?

There are three ways to place an order with Thermarmour:

  1. Click through and buy online via the Interweave Healthcare website, paying with a credit card or debit card or;
  2. Businesses can place an order through the Interweave website and opt to pay by 30 day credit account (apply for a credit account here) or;
  3. If you would like to discuss the products, or buy a bulk quantity please get in touch with our team.

Why is air a good insulator?

Air can be considered a good insulator due to its gaseous state. The spacing between the molecules means they have less contact with one another. This means less heat transfer, reducing heat transfer in turn reduces the heat lost. Making air a good insulator.

Does insulation keep heat out?

Insulation is effective at controlling the transfer of heat. Insulation can work both ways. For example, home insulation can keep your house warm in the winter, whilst keeping it cool in the summer. Using this example, insulation traps warm air inside on a cold winters day. While in the summer, aims to keep the hot air out to keep you cool.

What is thermal insulation?

Thermal insulation reduces the heat transfer between objects, solid, fluid and gas. It creates a barrier between objects. It does not create heat, but does aim to reduce heat loss. Thermarmour works by trapping the existing body heat of the patient, and re-circulating it. Instead of adding heat, thermal insulation aims to alleviate heat lost.

What is insulation?

In basic terms, insulation is a way we keep heat, electricity, or sound from spreading. For example, the insulation in houses aims to keep heat in, instead of losing it to the outdoors. In terms of Thermarmour, our insulating materials are designed to protect patients from developing hypothermia. By trapping their own body heat and re-circulating it.

How do thermal blankets work?

A thermal blanket is a blanket is used specifically for preventing hypothermia. The key difference between this and a regular blanket, is the uniquely and scientifically designed fabric.

It requires no secondary heat source. Making it ideal for emergency situations where resources and shelter are limited.

The emergency thermal blanket uses the person’s own body heat, recirculating it to keep them warm whilst waiting for emergency or medical personnel to arrive.

View thermal blanket product details

Can I check availability of items online?

All items on the website are in stock, unless there is an “out of stock” indicator displayed on the Interweave Healthcare online store. If we have less items in stock than you need for your order this will also be displayed on the product page once you have entered the quantity you wish to order.

If it appears the product is out of stock on the website, please contact us, we can advise you on the next in-stock due date.

Can I order a sample of a product?

Please order one of the item online. We offer next day delivery on orders placed before 1pm, when delivering to UK mainland.

Your single product will be with you very quickly, so that you can evaluate the product and go back online to order more when you are happy that the sample meets your needs.

I’ve received a faulty item, what do I do?

If you have received a faulty item, we recommend that you get in contact with us as soon as possible. Our team will resolve the issue for you.

You can contact us online, call our office, or leave us a message on one of our social channels and we aim to get back to you as soon as possible.

My delivery has arrived but is incomplete, what can I do?

If you think your order is incomplete, please refer to your delivery note to check that we haven’t despatched a part-order. If the delivery note shows the complete order please contact us as soon as possible, our team will resolve the issue.

When will my order be dispatched?

As we hold large quantities of stock, we will be able to fulfil your order straight away, on the same day, in the majority of cases.

However, this only applies to products available in stock for immediate dispatch.

In all cases, your order will be dispatched as soon as possible.

If you place an order before 2pm on a working day (see our opening hours), your parcel will be dispatched the same day. If your order arrives to us after 2pm, it will be dispatched the next day.

How do I track my delivery?

Tracking is only available for orders over £50.

If your delivery is to a UK mainland address, you will receive an email with a link to the parcel tracker service provided by either Parcelforce, APC or DX.

Track your delivery online by clicking the link.

If your delivery address is not in mainland UK, please contact us with any delivery queries.

What should I do if my delivery is late?

Please allow 5 days for your parcel to arrive.

Following the 5 days, please contact us to let us know that your delivery is late, so that we can open an official case with the courier and investigate your missing delivery further.

How does the UK mainland delivery service work?

Deliveries to UK mainland addresses are despatched the same day (if the order is received by 2pm). Deliveries are despatched during working days, i.e. Monday to Friday, except on public holidays. For Monday to Thursday orders, the delivery will arrive the next day before 5pm. Friday orders will arrive during the day on the following Monday.

If you have any questions about this, please contact us.

I live in the UK but not mainland, how long will my delivery take?

Northern Ireland: Your delivery will take approximately 3-5 days to arrive after despatch.

Scottish Highlands, Isle of Wight, Channel Islands, Isle of Man: Your delivery will take approximately 3-5 days to arrive after despatch.

If you have any queries about this, please contact us.

Do you deliver overseas?

Yes, we can deliver to non-UK addresses, add your desired items to the basket and use the calculate shipping tool. If your country is not available to select, please contact us so we can help you.

How much does delivery cost?

For orders over £50 including VAT, delivery is free to UK mainland addresses. The delivery cost for your order to your address will be calculated in the checkout. Orders under £50 will be subject to delivery charges.

For more information about delivery, click here or contact us.

Can I return something and receive an exchange?

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer exchanges unless the item is defective. You can return your item in accordance with our returns policy, and then place a new order.

I’ve received a faulty item, what do I do?

If you have received a faulty item, we recommend that you get in contact with us as soon as possible. Our team will resolve the issue for you.

You can contact us online, call our office, or leave us a message on one of our social channels and we aim to get back to you as soon as possible.

I’ve cancelled my order, when will I receive the refund?

If you cancel an order before it’s been dispatched, we will confirm with you by email that we have been able to cancel the order in time. In that case, we will process the cancellation refund within 2 working days. Please allow up to 5 days for it to be available in your bank account.

If the order has already been dispatched, please read about how to arrange returning the items to us. Once we receive the parcel and have checked that the items are still in perfect condition, we will confirm with you by email. Then the refund will be processed within 2 weeks. Please allow up to five days for the refund to be available in your bank account.

Is there a time limit for returns?

We offer an extended returns period for your convenience. You have 31 days to return the item to us. Please read our returns policy for more information.

How do I return something to you?

Please send the items in original package with the delivery note, to our logistics centre.

Logistics centre address: Thermarmour, Victoria Works, Whitwell Green Lane, Elland, West Yorkshire, HX5 9BJ.

Once your returned items are received and inspected, you will receive an email to notify you that we have received your returned item/s and that the packaging is intact. We will also notify you of the status of your refund application shortly after.

Please read our returns policy for more information.

What is your refunds policy?

To be eligible for a refund, the item/s must be either unused and in the same condition that you received it and be returned in the original packaging so that it is fit for resale; or be faulty at the time of delivery. Please read our returns policy for more information.

What do search and rescue teams do?

Generally, search and rescue teams cover water and land operations. Including rescuing people from dangerous situations, such as swimmers stuck in a body of water. Or, lost and injured hikers. They also perform search missions for missing persons. Aiding the local authorities where possible.

Search and rescue teams vary in their responsibilities and skills. For example, members of the same team will have different skill sets, abilities and roles. Team members may have a signifier as to their level or role, such as a coloured armband.

What does a paramedic do?

Paramedics are healthcare professionals with a variety of responsibilities. Paramedics are mainly known for their work in Ambulance Services and emergencies. They are the first responders to medical emergencies and 999 calls. But also provide support and work in other medical facilities. Paramedics are likely to see patients with hypothermia, due to the emergency nature of their role.

How does Thermarmour protect my personal information?

We take the matter of protecting your personal data very seriously. Please read the privacy policy to find out more.

What can I do if I am not happy with the service?

We try very hard to provide high quality customer service to all our customers, so if you felt the service could have been better please do contact us and send an email outlining any issues you have experienced.

We welcome the opportunity to listen to your feedback and make improvements to make sure we are constantly striving for excellence.

How do I unsubscribe from Thermarmour marketing emails?

If you would like to stop receiving marketing communications from us, please open up a previous email you have received from Thermarmour and click the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. This will automatically prevent us from sending you any email marketing messages.

Otherwise, if you can’t find a previous email please contact us to request that we opt you out.

Please note that even if you have unsubscribed from marketing communications, our Customer Services team will still be in touch with you about any orders you have placed as part of our after-sales service.

How can I get in touch with your Customer Services team?

Please use the details on the Contact page, you can either send an email or phone us. Office opening hours are 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

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