
See THERMARMOUR products in action! Visit our video library to watch our product videos.

Ready to order THERMARMOUR products?

Ordering small quantities

Ordering small quantities

Simply buy the products you need online. Browse the Shop, find the product you need and click BUY ONLINE. This will take you to the Thermarmour online shopping website at

On this website, you can buy just 1 item or up to 30 items. When buying larger quantities online, you will benefit from bulk discounts of either 15% off or 30% off.

When you place an online order for more than £50, delivery to UK mainland addresses is free. More information about deliveries

Bulk orders

Bulk orders

Organisations wishing to order 100s or 1,000s of products would be advised to get in touch with our team. We will be able to price your personalised quote according to the volumes you require.

For NHS organisations, you can now purchase THERMARMOUR on the NHS Supply Chain.

Ready to look at more details about the products?

To find out more, please call our team on 01422 411463 or you can send us a message

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