Labour Standards Policy
Interweave Textiles Ltd, trading as Thermarmour, strives to ensure we continue to operate in a responsible manner in all aspects of our business activity, including Labour Standards. This is the wish of our stakeholders, customers and employees to provide a fair, safe and equal working environment and work in an honest and fair way with our suppliers, customers and partner organisations.
We attach the greatest importance to health and safety and enlist the active support and cooperation of all employees, endeavouring to take all reasonable precautions to prevent accidents and incidents, creating working conditions that safeguard all our employees.
Thermarmour operates an ethical policy at all times and require each supplier or agent to demonstrate the same policy before commencing a working relationship. We use the UN Global Compact Ten principles as a basis for our supplier relationships and as such, comply with the principles of the International Labour Organization, particularly the abolition of child labour and the elimination of all forms of forced labour.
It is the company’s policy to treat all employees with respect and dignity and to make sure that they are not victimised, bullied or subjected to harassment on the grounds of race, gender, age or disability.
Download Labour Standards Policy (PDF)
Last updated: November 2022